Free Coloring Books from Libraries & Museums: Obtain & Coloration Hundreds of Free Photographs (2024)

Launched by The New York Acad­e­my of Med­i­cine Library in 2016, Col­or Our Col­lec­tions is “an annu­al col­or­ing fes­ti­val on social media dur­ing which libraries, muse­ums, archives and oth­er cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions world wide share free col­or­ing con­tent fea­tur­ing photos from their col­lec­tions.” In Feb­ru­ary, the mission launched its 2024 archive of col­or­ing books, permit­ing you to down­load, print and col­or thou­sands of photos from 93 libraries and muse­ums. The col­lec­tion contains sub­mis­sions from The New­ber­ry Library, the Nation­al Library of Med­i­cine, Euro­peana, the Harley-David­son Archives, Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Libraries, the South­east Asia Dig­i­tal Library and extra. Hap­py col­or­ing!

Be aware: While you nav­i­gate to a spe­cif­ic col­or­ing ebook with­in the col­lec­tion, it’s possible you’ll ini­tial­ly encounter a clean sec­tion on the web page. Please scroll right down to find the actu­al down­load hyperlink for the col­or­ing ebook.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

The Very First Col­or­ing Guide, The Lit­tle Of us’ Paint­ing Guide (Cir­ca 1879)

The First Grownup Col­or­ing Guide: See the Sub­ver­sive Exec­u­tive Col­or­ing Guide From 1961

Free Col­or­ing Books from The Pub­lic Area Overview: Down­load & Col­or Works by Hoku­sai, Albrecht Dür­er, Har­ry Clarke, Aubrey Beard­s­ley & Extra

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