Our high ten picks of the week

Brace for a confidence vote in Sunak after the local elections 

William Atkinson

“An unhappy prospect, I’m sure we all agree. But an increasingly likely one. Blood will have blood.”

The possibility now exists that Farage will finish off Sunak 

Andrew Gimson

“But Tory Democracy has triumphed for much of our history since Disraeli, and can before long be expected to triumph again.”

The Conservatives are fielding more candidates in the Council elections than Labour can manage 

Harry Phibbs

“The Conservatives are contesting 94.6 per cent of seats. Labour is contesting 91.4 per cent of them. But the rise of “split voting” means there should be caution of taking comfort for the General Election.”

The Entente Cordiale shows how Britain and France united in defence of liberal democracy 

Daniel Hannan

“You wouldn’t think so from either country’s discourse, but France has been our ally for the better part of two centuries.”

The meaning of this week’s tax and benefit changes 

David Willetts

“Behind all the turbulence of changing Prime Ministers, the whole period since 2010 could have had a stable policy for indexing tax allowances and benefits with earnings.”

Five wildcards that may yet swing the Presidential election for Biden or Trump 

James Johnson 

“Joe Biden’s best chance – and 2024’s biggest wildcard – is the pro-abortion ad drop in October.”

Israel and Britain should stand together 

Greg Smith MP and Bella Wallersteiner

“For us, supporting Israel is not just a matter of politics – it is a moral imperative rooted in our history and the lessons of the past.”

A coalition of inaction has led to Britain coming worst in class on housing 

Lindsay Judge

“When we compare ourselves to countries with a similar level of prosperity, the truth hits home: the cost of housing in the UK is 57 per cent higher than in Austria, for example, and 36 per cent higher than in Canada.”

Nationalism is part of the problem in Gaza. Washington cannot avoid its imperial role. 

Andrew Gimson

“Kedourie was right: the end of Ottoman rule was a disaster for minorities.”

How quickly will a Labour government implode? 

William Atkinson

“A lesson that Keir Starmer should learn from Boris Johnson. However glorious your new majority may look the morning after an election, events – and incompetence – can soon overcome it.”

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