Round The World in 1896: See Colorized & Upscaled Footage of Egypt, Venice, Istanbul, New York Metropolis, London & Extra

The YouTube chan­nel Misplaced in Time has tak­en footage from the leg­endary Lumière broth­ers, orig­i­nal­ly shot in 1896, then upscaled and col­orized it, giv­ing us an opportunity to see a dis­tant world by a mod­ern lens. Close to­ing the tip of the nineteenth cen­tu­ry, the movie pio­neers (and their make use of­ees) vis­it­ed dif­fer­ent components of the world and cap­tured footage of life in Barcelona, Jerusalem, Venice, Moscow, Istan­bul, Kyoto and oth­er loca­tions. For view­ers, unac­cus­tomed to see­ing mov­ing movies, not to mention far-flung components of the world, it should have been a sight to behold. Under, you’ll be able to see the dif­fer­ent locations fea­tured within the footage, together with time­stamps. To see what the orig­i­nal black & white footage appeared like, vis­it this submit in our archive.

00:00 Intro
00:12 France
01:50 New York Metropolis, Unit­ed States
02:38 Jerusalem
04:25 Gene­va, Switzer­land
04:53 Viet­nam
05:12 Mar­tinique
05:22 Paris, France
07:56 Madrid, Spain
08:07 Barcelona, Spain
08:43 Venice, Italy
09:00 Lon­don, Unit­ed King­dom
09:49 Ger­many
10:17 Dublin, Ire­land
11:00 Moscow, Rus­sia
11:24 Lyon, France
14:56 Giza, Egypt
15:36 Istan­bul, Turkey
15:58 Kyoto, Tokyo
16:20 Mar­seille, France
16:35 La Cio­tat, France

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Across the World in 1896: 40 Min­utes of Actual Footage Lets You Vis­it Paris, New York, Venice, Rome, Budapest & Extra

The Ear­li­est Identified Movement Pic­ture, 1888’s Spherical­hay Gar­den Scene, Restored with Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence

Restored Footage of 1896 Snow­ball Struggle Makes It Appear Just like the Enjoyable Hap­pened Sure­ter­day


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